Much of the myth that surrounds this killer pairing stems from an actual case of a man (believed to be a Thai staying in KL), who actually died after consuming both durian and wine.
But as to whether it’s real or not, we’re not bold (nor stupid) enough to try it out for ourselves. Oops. Our founder actually tried the lethal combination before (not knowing about the myth) and ended up vomiting. A lot.
Anyway, we will give you a brief rundown on why people think the two—durian and alcohol—make a deadly mix.
Let’s Get Scientific – Is Mixing Durian & Alcohol Poisonous?

Back in 2009, a study conducted by researchers from the University of Tsukuba, Japan revealed that many individuals who reported severe facial flushing, nausea, migraines, heart palpitations and vomiting had all eaten durian and drunk wine during a single sitting. Thus more research ensued into figuring out the correlation between durian and alcohol.
Durians contain high amounts of a sulphuric-based compound that can inhibit and possibly impair the effect the liver in breaking down alcohol in the body. While mixing the two may not kill you for certain per se, it’s thought to severely worsen a hangover.

By hindering the metabolising of alcohol, toxic substances in alcohol—known scientifically as acetaldehyde—are allowed to enter our bloodstreams, poisoning us in some way and elevating the symptoms commonly associated with a hangover.
Is it poisonous? Yes. In normal circumstances, the body is able to create a good enzyme called Aldehyde Dehydrogenase. It plays a role in converting bad enzymes from alcohol into harmless fatty acids and carbon dioxide. However, when you consumer durian at the same time… The sulphuric compounds in it halt the good enzyme’s ability to do just that. Thereby resulting in higher levels of toxins in your body which—if you’re old or have underlying health conditions—may kill you.
Is Mixing Durian & Alcohol Lethal?

If it makes you feel better, researchers from University of Tsukuba conducted said experiment on 200 mice. The results? Not a single one died during the process. That being said, it was uncertain as to whether any of the mice had experienced any discomforts. After all, it’s not as they could squeak their way out of their predicament.
Will You Die?

We’re not going to boldly say that you won’t die (we’re not Trump), nor are we obligated to say you will. While there is no scientific evidence to show that pairing durian and alcohol is a lethal combination, it still doesn’t mean that you should have them together—don’t be an idiot.
Read our guide to late-night durians in Singapore.
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