If anyone tells you that beer is bad for you, you can finally debunk those accusations with Probicient.
Probicient is a local food tech company and they have created the world’s very first probiotic beer. It is a healthier beer alternative with numerous health benefits. We know, we are pinching ourselves too!
Probicient: Probiotic Raspberry Sour Beer

In collaboration with Probicient, Brewerkz is proud to present Red Billion. A probiotic raspberry sour beer, birthed from deep studies in the lab and served onto your table. This vibrant reddish beer boasts a fruity scent of raspberries, tangy and refreshing with every sip.
At 4.5% ABV, this fruity sour scores at least one billion CFU (Colony Forming Unit) in its probiotics level per serving. For context, one billion CFU is the minimum amount of dosage needed to be considered to be an effective probiotic.

What then, makes this beer so special? Chemist enthusiasts, brace yourselves for these exciting details. The process of probiotification is long and tedious, and this is more apparent when it comes to alcoholic drinks.
Researchers have to overcome a major technological challenge as alcoholic beverages contain many innate antimicrobial (an agent that kills/stops the growth of microorganisms) compounds such as ethanol, hops and organic acids that compromises the growth and survival of probiotics in these drinks.

The creation of Red Billion is a breakthrough in the food science industry. It is said to be beneficial such as helping to regulate the body’s immune system, neutralise toxins and improving gut health.
Red Billion is the start of a whole new culinary creation of probiotic alcoholic beverages. For those in Singapore, you’re in luck as this beer is available across all Brewerkz outlets, while stock lasts. We look forward to the expansion of probiotic beer flavours and inclusion of science and technology in the food industry.
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